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Tom Petty Heartbreakers - Dont Do Me Like That Japan Vinyl 7 Single - VIM-1374 海外 即決

  • 商品説明・詳細

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商品説明 商品名 Tom Petty Heartbreakers - Dont Do Me Like That Japan Vinyl 7" Single - VIM-1374(Tom Petty Heartbreakers - Dont Do Me Like That Japan Vinyl 7" Single - VIM-1374) 商品画像一覧 商品説明 ※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 If you buy multiple items shipping is a flat $4.99 for Domestic Purchases, no matter how many items are there in your order. Purchase everything you want and then contact us for a consolidated invoice with one low shipping price. Japanese Vinyl is the premier resource for Japanese Vinyl Records proudly located in the USA. We have literally thousands of LPs, 12"s, 7"s and more, and we are quickly adding to the list everyday. With us you dont have to deal with expensive shipping from overseas, customs delays and/or charges, long shipping time or foreign customer support in case you need it. Every record ships from FL, USA. Japanese Vinyl is the PERFECT GIFT for the Vinyl Enthusiast... If you buy a Japanese Edition its very likely that your friend or loved one doesnt have it because they are rare! We provide great packaging to protect your beautiful purchases. If you have more questions about a record, or need more photos, feel free to ask... we are here to help! If you buy many items together make sure you contact us for consolidated packaging to save on shipping... unlimited items shipping together for the same low shipping price. And if you need faster shipping contact us as we might be able to arrange this for you. (Plus if you have to send one of our Unique Japanese Editions as a gift for a special occasion, we can add a note in the package if you want) ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Treat yourself to the best Vinyl Editions in the world! Better Quality Materials, Gatefold Covers and Inserts in most releases, the beautiful OBI strip, Posters and freebies in many records and more, make owning Japanese Vinyl Editions a joy. They sound different, they sound better! Japanese imports will quickly become your favorite pieces in your collection vinyl. "If you havent heard the Japanese version of your favorite album, theres a 99% chance it will blow you away, once you do. Starting in the late 70s, US manufactured records were often produced from recycled vinyl which created a noisier pressing, using stampers across a large pressing count. Japanese record companies, on the other hand, used virgin vinyl to manufacture their records resulting in dead-quiet, high quality, audiophile grade pressings and generally had much smaller pressing runs for their western releases. The other item of note is that record companies actually did a re-master for the Japanese editions of a release highly focused on mastering for best-sound so it is entirely possible that you will notice elements in a track for the first time, even though youve listened to this song countless times on your non-Japanese pressing. Aside from the record, significantly better materials were used for the covers and artwork resulting in 30 year old jackets that look better than their brand new counterparts released now and lets not forget the extras that only come with the Japanese release, like the OBI (to help Japanese consumers who may not read English) and lyric/bio sheets in English and Japanese." -- "Drowned World Records.- 落札時の注意事項/良くあるご質問 【お支払いについて】 弊社ショップでは、クレジットカード決済またはPayPay残高払いのみ対応しております。 万が一、お支払いの確認ができない場合には、購入のご意思が無いものとして、お取り引きをキャンセルとする場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 【送料について】 ヤフオク!セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、全て送料無料でお届けしております。 落札金額以外にお支払いいただく費用はございませんので、ご安心くださいませ。 【お届け先のご住所について】 ヤフオク!セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、個人使用を前提として商品の通関を行っております。 東京税関の指導により、個人輸入の配送先はお客様(輸入者)のご自宅住所1か所で、個人の氏名に限定されております。 よって商品の配送先は、個人の住所を登録してください。住所が会社や法人、団体などの場合は商用とみなされ、通関できない恐れがあります。 そのため、配送先が個人の自宅住所以外になる場合は、購入はお控えください。 【お取り引きのキャンセルについて】 落札成立後、出品者とのお取引が開始しているのでキャンセルはできません。 商品情報を十分にご確認いただいたうえで、商品を落札いただけますようお願いいたします。
Tom Petty Heartbreakers - Dont Do Me Like That Japan Vinyl 7 Single - VIM-1374 海外 即決

残り 1 7232円

(72 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.02.24〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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