Thông tin bổ sung

Comfort Inn Conference Center ~ 4500 Crain Highway, Bowie MD 20716

Telephone #301-464-0089/ Central Reservations Toll Free 1-800-465-4329

You MUST book your own room. (Check In 3:00pm ~ Check Out 11:00am)

Room Block: Gospel Spreading Church Youth Revival Mass Choir

Group Code: GSC
Mass – Công ty Cổ phần Hiệu Chuẩn Vitech


Vitech meets the stringent requirements of ISO / IEC 17025 and is recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, competency organization.

Register Service

Call: 0978 937 907


1. Analyzer Balances

Electronic analytical balances are used for weighing and measuring, their advantage is extremely small errors, with accuracy to µg. The resolution of the scale is up to the µg row. Analytical balances are mainly used in laboratories (laboratory scales), are used to weigh products and samples. They are high-precision, and are used for calibrating standard weights.


2. Precision Balances

The accuracy of precision balances is not high and the stability is not equal to the analytical balance, but it can be flexibly carried anywhere. Therefore it should be widely used in the world. (At factories, at markets, at home, …)


3. Standard weights

Standard weights are used for precision balances and analytical balances testing. Standard weights have precision levels from E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M2, M3. Depending on the accuracy of the standard weights, we use for checking the precision scales or analytical scales.

With other mass equipment, please contact us for more details


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Register Service